

osterville home, digs design, bayside builders, phillip golden architect


The enchantment of Osterville runs deep for the owners of this idyllic property, 谁在这个地区的根基可以追溯到几代人以前. It’s no surprise that they chose this cherished coastal community to build a summer retreat of their own. The private enclave that came to be is a quintessential 角 Cod family compound with a personality all its own. Striking yet serene Benjamin Moore Athabasca blue shutters and doors hint toward the colorful and chic interiors that lie within, 同时映衬着夏日天空的幸福. The cedar shingle front exterior features dueling gables and chimneys, balanced beautifully by a central barrel vault that creates a fluid and welcoming motion toward the center of the house.


虽然足够宽敞,可以容纳越来越多的七口之家, 这个概念是为了创造一种“没有人离得太远”的感觉,詹姆斯·戈尔登说。, 詹姆斯·菲利普·戈尔登建筑事务所的负责人. “我们花了很多心思在这个房子上, 为了在整个物业中建立一种联系的整体感觉.为了实现这一目标, Golden designed all of the primary structures around the center courtyard and pool area, 哪个靠近泳池房和车库, 后者的特点是其上方有一个客房. 

The current footprint is an impressive feat on what was initially a tight lot. Fortunately the steadfast team at Bayside Building was up for the challenge. 布莱恩·达西, 公司的所有者, 还有父子组合吉米和尼克·鲍尔斯, met with the homeowners to formulate an approach that would accomplish all of their desires. “To say that we maximized the lot would be an understatement,” Nick recalls. The resulting layout is open, airy, and ideal for easy going summer living and entertaining.


室内设计师乔斯林·恰普妮(Jocelyn Chiappone)因此受到启发, Digs设计公司的老板, to create a cohesive look for the space in which color takes center stage. 心爱的阿萨巴斯卡蓝色口音室内选择, alongside a palette of blue and green that flows harmoniously throughout the main living spaces. “We all embraced that hue and it’s wonderful to see how it ties the home together while also showcasing its versatility,Chiappone说. Primarily traditional furniture silhouettes provide the perfect canvas for Chiappone’s incorporation of bold patterns and layers. Combining the chic aesthetic of Palm Beach with a classic and preppy 角 Cod style, 整体概念借鉴了她的签名Digs Mix. Chiappone说道:“我总是觉得融合美学很有趣. “对于这个项目, we have pattern and punchy 颜色 alongside calming neutrals and vintage pieces that ground the look. 整体效果是别致的,但经典和舒适.” The vernacular of classic 角 Cod shingle style aesthetic is carried throughout the dining and living rooms, 由ML定制木制品制作的连续格子天花板. 大胆和意想不到的灯具, 颜色, patterns and textured details effortlessly tie Palm Beach chic into the mix. The balanced juxtaposition not only adds visual interest and dimension to the design, but also creates a timeless appeal in which traditional elements anchor more playful and engaging textural flourishes. 

“The trick to mixing in bold color and pattern is to pay just as much attention to the neutral elements that allow 眼睛休息和描绘颜色.——Jocelyn Chiappone, Digs设计公司

osterville home, digs design, bayside builders, phillip golden architect, pool house(摄影:格雷格Premru)

而传统的特色,如格子天花板, 镶板楼梯, 中国风风格的建筑暗示着经典的科德角, 室内充满了惊喜的元素. “We wanted to add personality to the design without disturbing the flow of the main living areas,Chiappone说. 要做到这一点, Chiappone添加了水彩, 充满活力的绿色, 黄色的, 还有泥巴室里的覆盆子, 洗衣房, 还有上下铺, 所有这些都与开放式布局隔离开来. “The trick to mixing in bold color and pattern is to pay just as much attention to the neutral elements that allow 眼睛休息和描绘颜色,chiapone解释道. 给人一种引人注目的印象, 大房间俱乐部的椅子背面有一个大胆的雪佛龙, while a solid neutral on the interior cushions invites a calming atmosphere when seated. 同样的, 厨房用大胆的瓷砖来表达自己的观点, 而自然用餐区作为一个安静的背景. Sleek dual 12-foot nano doors offer a breezy indoor-outdoor transition that sets the scene for a leisurely summer lifestyle. 靠近泳池小屋, a guest house was built on top of the garage and offers ample space to entertain. All outdoor gathering spaces are neatly nestled in lush layers of flourishing landscape by Coy’s Brook Landscaping. 色彩的凝聚力延续到室外空间, where eye-catching upholstery pops on neutral furnishings that highlight summer’s natural vibrance. Built for gathering and designed to enjoy, this Osterville gem is poised to charm all who enter.

osterville home, digs design, bayside builders, phillip golden architect, pool

师: James Phillip Golden建筑师、室内设计师: Digs设计公司建造者: 贝赛德大厦有限公司.景观: 科伊溪景观百叶窗: 新英格兰卷帘工厂设计师: 卡琳Lidbeck橱柜: ML定制木制品, 作者:玛迪布里斯班,摄影: 格雷格Premru


