


在经历了这样的天气之后, we're longing to see lush landscapes with a wild sort of beauty, 充满生机的户外空间, 花和叶在每一个阴影的绿色. Following a long winter slumber, these buoyant gardens truly signal spring. While they may seem a bit unruly next to a manicured English garden, 这些分层, 通常乡村, 风景也, 事实上, 精心培育. 领导创造的自然辉煌是有方法的 波士顿景观设计师和专业人士. 看看…….


For a newly renovated midcentury modern summer home in Wellfleet, 栖息在壶洞池塘上, LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所 从郁郁葱葱的地形中寻找景观线索.


LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所

The firm reveled in the tree-house feel of the home and played up the thick, natural vegetation of the environs that makes the summer escape the retreat that it is.


LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所

充满干草气味的蕨类植物, 藜芦等, 蔓越莓布什, 杜鹃和杜鹃树, 正是这个地方让这个家如此壮观. 然而,这并不是炫耀, it’s vibrant and green and riddled with public and private spaces to soak it all in—including a sensational deck overhang perched among the trees. 


Located on the edge of the Westport River, this spectacular site conceived by Matthew Cunningham景观设计, was designed to frame its marsh views and present “spaces to casually observe wildlife patterns,校长马修·坎宁安说.


Matthew Cunningham景观设计

该物业的目标是创建一个三季, ecologically aware escape that could be enjoyed by family and friends. 为此目的, 坎宁安改造了修剪过的草坪, 被海岸缓冲带包围的, “郁郁葱葱的, 多层多季节原生植物花园.”


Matthew Cunningham景观设计

地形, 围绕着一个像河流一样安静的池塘, 几乎完全由hardy组成, drought-resistant native plants that can withstand intense salt, 风吹日晒, 坎宁安解释说. 生长和色彩的纠缠看起来很光荣, 也是当地野生动物的食物来源和栖息地. 


The landscape of a rustic American style custom home on Lake Sunapee took 萨德伯里设计集团 去新罕布什尔进行全面翻新. The clients’ goal was to make “the camp look like it had always been in the woods,景观建筑公司分享道, 哪一个, 考虑到场地的地形, buffer zone restrictions and the desired program posed a challenge.



去年秋天刚刚完工, the landscape project will fill in over time and is planted primarily in masses of native shrub and trees including varieties of viburnum, witchhazel, 杜鹃花, 桦树和铁杉. Low ferns and blueberry groundcovers grow between the woody plants, 建立软边, 松针林地小径点缀着倾斜的地面, while large specimen evergreens were brought in to add a sense of character.



地形是硬地形, 是什么让这个网站看起来很坚固, 和软景观一样是设计不可或缺的一部分吗. 团队挖出了一些巨石作为水疗中心的顶部, and utilized natural field石头 (salvaged from the site and brought in) for the boulder walls and steps, and Pennsylvania field石头 flats and reclaimed granite for the terraces. The inspired mix lends a sense of history and adds to the illusion that the homeowner has somehow stumbled upon this unspoiled lakeside vantage.


Pellettieri Associates, Inc. took a different approach when imagining a singular environment for a lakefront property, juxtaposing layered and naturalistic elements against the streamlined contours of a contemporary home.


Pellettieri Associates Inc.

而住宅的花岗岩露台, walkways and steps have a linear design befitting the dwelling, 草坪和植物, like shocks of fern and wind-swept grasses against the home itself, 充当天然的衬托物, 耕耘以“提升壮观”, 天然海岸线环境,主席乔治·佩莱蒂耶里说. 


Pellettieri Associates Inc.

所有的户外空间, 多层的木甲板, 石头, 草皮和植被, 是否在设计时兼顾了功能和美观, and created to have a strong connection to the interior of the home even as they look outward.


一片草 gave a Wellesley family the feel of a woodland escape in their suburban backyard. The arrival of a new addition for the home meant that the residents could rework their outdoor living spaces as well, so they enlisted the firm’s landscape designers to “reconfigure and enhance their backyard” with a program conceived for play and entertaining.



A three-foot drop from the back door to the yard was the project’s main hurdle, but 一片草 solved the issue by creating a blue石头 patio punctuated by boxwoods, 桦木, astilbe, 玫瑰, magnolia and more that acts as a transition from the door to the grounds. 



The property now boasts a play area for the kids as well as a fire pit carved into the terrace surrounded by dense thickets of hemlock, 冬青和炼金术. Thoughtful screening and stepping-石头 pathways lined with hydrangea ‘quickfire,“astilbe, 金钟柏, 冬青, viburnum and Irish moss bring privacy and wonder to the outdoor spaces, creating a natural family respite that feels worlds away from the populated neighborhood.

Cohasset Coastal Property

为了在科哈塞特建造一座海边的新建筑和宾馆, Michael D’angelo景观建筑事务所 designed swaths of “simple and natural” entry plantings that blend well with the site’s existing coastal pines and junipers. 因为水晶般的海洋景观最初并没有显露出来, principal Michael D’Angelo gave the home’s approach a beachy feel by planting “large massings of perennials including Little Lime hydrangea, 紫锥菊, 喷泉草, 薄荷和芒草.”


Michael D’angelo景观建筑事务所

随着房产向岩石海岸线弯曲, 紫色和绿色的多年生植物指引着道路, 在水边达到高潮, 哪里的“水原生”叶子像甜蕨类, 矮丛蓝莓, 柳枝稷和杨梅形成了天然的海岸缓冲地带, and a stairway etched in 石头 leads the way to a kayak launch.


Michael D’angelo景观建筑事务所

矮矮的石墙, 从水边甲板区划分出一个种植床, 提供了一点庇护,并将视线引向大海. 这个平台很简单,与它的网站保持一致, with a railing that disappears into the landscape so as not to obstruct the site’s coastal beauty.

专家提示: 石头的添加, steps and hardscape materials heightens the impact of foliage and flora, 并将更娇嫩的植物和树木磨碎. These static, natural elements are key when creating unspoiled edens. 创造一种乡村之美, 在你的硬景观中使用各种各样的巨石, 景观或水景, 的市场经理德里克·斯特恩斯说 普利茅斯采石场, or incorporate live-edge 石头 slabs for steps and platforms for a “unique, free-style” look.   高端波士顿景观与石头

For more information on achieving a rustic setting with 石头, view 普利茅斯采石场' video below. 它是专门为彩票365官方网站准备的. 享受!
