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Gorgeous Great Rooms

Sherman Associates设计的水边大房间

Labor Day is upon us, 这意味着度假屋很快就会爆满,因为房主和他们的客人都是开车来的, 飞机和渡轮的最佳延长庆祝, if bittersweet, weekend. 为了纪念这种越来越美好的前景,我们展示了八间华丽的大房间. 以下这些诱人的开放式生活空间至少是活动的场所, when revelers aren’t on the beach, boat or terrace.

Classic great room by the water

建筑设计:Patrick Ahearn architects,建筑设计:Colonial Reproductions, Inc.; photography by Greg Premru

This stunning room on the Vineyard, overlooking Squibnocket Beach in Chilmark, 家庭大院的一部分是由建筑师构思的吗 Patrick Ahearn, FAIA, and built by Colonial Reproductions, Inc. 它的横窗让房间沐浴在自然光中, French doors, tray ceiling and a chill palette of white, ivory and sand tones, 生活区有一个明确的精致的空气,但微妙的海滩氛围. 我们喜欢背靠背的沙发和双枝形吊灯如何创造两个对话论坛:一个部分拥有客厅的感觉, while the other, by the stone fireplace, is slightly more relaxed.

Great room on the water

Architecture by Dewing, Schmid Kearns Architects + Planners; construction by Parker Construction Co., Inc.; landscape architecture by Gregory Lombardi Design, Inc.; landscape construction by R.P. Marzilli & Company

这个卓越的生活空间属于闪闪发光的新南达特茅斯建筑,俯瞰Buzzard 's Bay Parker Construction Company. 客户是如此迷恋他们的海滨优势,他们无法面对移动, 于是,他们把现有的房子夷为平地,重新盖了一座——所有这些都是在9个月的时间框架内完成的,这样就不会错过任何一个夏天. 你可以打赌,这个别致的极简主义大房间,通向一个露台和一个景观设计 Gregory Lombardi Design, receives maximum raves this Labor Day.

Great room by the water

Thomas J. O’Neill, Inc.

This custom great room, by Thomas J. O’Neill, Inc.,将海洋和天空的颜色无缝地带入室内,更不用说地平线了. 这个宁静的空间体现了设计/建造和室内设计公司对简洁线条和传统口音的热爱, stopping all who enter in their tracks. Though firmly grounded, 在这个家脚下的绿松石潮汐给设置一种游轮的感觉.

Timber frame great room

Design and engineering: Bensonwood; windows by Marvin Windows; photography by James R. Salomon

当代木框架大房间在荷兰,N.H., was designed and built by Bensonwood to have four-season staying power, 并设有这个开放式的大房间和毗邻的厨房, 以及一座奥福德港(Port Orford)雪松木框架屏风门廊. 它位于斯阔姆湖畔,这意味着这栋两层楼的住宅, 里面装满了花旗松木材和对比鲜明的圆柱子, and eastern white pine on the ceiling panels, 需要与自然环境融为一体. Bensonwood, of course, wouldn’t have it any other way; founder Tedd Benson, 在“诚实”木结构和可持续发展的基础上建立了非现场制造住宅建筑公司.

Great room by the woods

Concept Building

质朴而优雅,这个高天花板的大房间由 Concept Building has an atrium feel and a pleasing symmetry. A soaring stone hearth, 采用再生木壁炉架和人字形壁炉架, dominates the spacious room, as does a feeling of warmth despite its scale. 我们被表面的簇绒隔断和巧克力皮革扶手椅所吸引,这些扶手椅带出了卷曲地板的特点, 而头顶上白色的船浪保持着轻松的心情.

Great room by the woods

Chatham Interiors

Chatham Interiors’ serene gathering space, which opens out to a deck, 以其柔和的中性色调,以其尖顶的窗户墙来庆祝树木繁茂的景色. Comfort, as well as a kinship with the great outdoors, 国王是否在这个多色调的聚会空间,邀请客人沉入豪华座椅,停留一会儿.  

Great room on Narrangansett Bay

Interior design by Donna Elle; dining table by West Barnstable Tables; photography by Nat Rea

Interior designer Donna Elle gave a “citified, 对纳拉甘西特湾(Narragansett Bay)一间大房间的感觉, 为高大的空间注入丰富的质感和动感. Elle took her design cues from the clients, who have a deep reverence for nature, 还找到了一张用飓风鲍勃期间倒下的树做成的活边枫木桌子,以呼应房主购买的雕刻木壁炉架. 《365体育官网客户端》选择了土色和日落色调(比如那些梦幻般的橙色椅子)!),而不是海湾的蓝色色调,也考虑到舒适. 由于这里的居民都是电视迷,《365体育官网客户端》为a球场指定了35度的倾斜度. Rudin沙发,确保壁炉上方屏幕的最佳人体工程学视角. 

South Carolina great room

Rob Bramhall Architects

Rob Bramhall Architects'伟大的房间为南卡罗来纳州的撤退捕捉到南方的热情好客和魅力的精神. As the centerpiece of this home, 客厅体现了自然材料的景观, fitting in seamlessly with its environs. Though it has sky-high vaulted ceilings, 由于丰富的树木的相互作用,生活空间被赋予了舒适的氛围. 脚下华丽的纹理与坚固的横梁和上面的各种木材色调相呼应, and the creamy, 外围涂漆的木质衬里具有中和效果.

Main image: Sherman Associates

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