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Sizzling Outdoor Kitchen Designs and Pro Tips


夏天正如火如荼地进行着,所以是时候充分利用每一个好天气了. 这些户外厨房正是这样做的:它们激发了夏日娱乐的最佳状态. Together, 它们展示了在设计您自己独特的户外厨房体验时要考虑的关键元素.

Refreshments with a View

科德角设计建造公司Polhemus Savery DaSilva的户外厨房设计和技巧

由Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Architects建造的建筑

Although it's not always possible, 把你的户外厨房和餐厅放在室内厨房附近是方便使用和存储的理想选择. "But if you have to give up a view, that's a decision the client has to make," says John DaSilva, design principal at Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects 建筑师,他和他的妻子Sharon DaSilva共同设计了这座位于奥尔良的房子. Thankfully, no choice was necessary for this project. 房子的朝向提供了一个理想的户外厨房位置, 与室内厨房相邻,能够将功能性户外厨房设计与休闲酒吧座位和展示全景池塘景观的用餐区相结合. "We designed the landscape along with the architecture; don't allow the outdoor kitchen to be an afterthought," adds DaSilva. As an integrated architecture and construction firm, DaSilva指出,他的公司以注重设计细节而闻名:“当关闭时, 电视柜门形成了一个锚的形象,在房子的前百叶窗上重复出现."

Patio Perfection

The MacDowell Company设计的户外厨房和带壁炉的露台

Landscape architecture by The MacDowell Company

"This Wellesley client had a small, shady backyard that we cleared back to the tree line, as far as we could go," explains Bruce MacDowell, owner of The MacDowell Company. “他们有小孩,想要最大的游泳池——19英尺乘36英尺——以及尽可能多的可用户外生活空间.“客户对这个项目的其他要求包括从厨房到烧烤和用餐区的一小段步行路,以及一个可以俯瞰游泳池的高架火坑. “烤架区域相对简单,烤架两侧有一个垃圾桶和一个小冰箱," says MacDowell, 但你看不到的是,在打磨过的花岗岩台面下藏着一个电源插座, with a switch for the pool cover.他指出,户外厨房的台面通常需要更高的高度,以容纳公用设施和铺路. Also, 1.5英寸的花岗岩台面在室内看起来不错,但在室外厨房就不太合适了:“你至少需要2英寸,3英寸看起来更好."

Seamless Stone

户外厨房由高端景观设计师和承包商a Blade of Grass设计

Landscape design and construction by a Blade of Grass

Heather Lashbrook Jones of a Blade of Grass 我认为这个层叠的户外娱乐空间是景观设计和施工公司为地铁西部客户创造的一个很好的例子,它是如何改变水平的审美. “当时有一间室外厨房,烤架在中间, blocking the entertainment flow," Jones explains. “它被搬到了离房子更近的地方,带有用餐区." A Blade of Grass 喜欢创造美丽的石墙,并将同样的石头用于新的挡土墙和户外厨房. 琼斯建议综合使用石材表面, 只选择两种不同的石头元素来创建更无缝的外观.

Culinary Canopy


Landscape architecture by Sudbury Design Group; photo by Jim Westphalen Photography

If you're serious about cooking outdoors, this kitchen has everything you'll need, including a pergola with a retractable awning. “照片中没有显示户外用餐区和六人吧台,可以看到水景," says Mike Coutu, owner and president of Sudbury Design Group. 查塔姆的房主希望有足够的空间进行户外娱乐活动.库图说,带有电动伸缩遮阳篷的藤架经过仔细考虑,以确保厨房区域的最大使用和舒适度. "The awning provides shade, 防止碎片落入食物和小雨, 但你不用担心炊烟会被控制住(如果有一个固定的屋顶悬垂,你就会担心)。," adds Coutu. "It's a nice feature that can be motorized or not.“额外的设计元素是抛光的花岗岩台面,皮革表面和涂层不锈钢橱柜,不会显示指纹,并有多种颜色可供选择.

Pro Appliance Tip: Wolf barbecue grills, burner modules and warmer drawers, and Sub-Zero outdoor refrigerators, available at 克拉克,新英格兰官方零度以下,沃尔夫和海湾陈列室, 提供同样的优质和精确的烹饪方便户外业主享受室内. 单元可以内置到您的户外空间设计中,请访问 to learn more. 

Main image: courtesy of Clarke 

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