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A Custom Colonial Revival Reflects A Modern Family

Custom kitchen

在令人向往的波士顿郊区,一座热情好客的新建筑取得了成功, in large part, due to the fact that the residents and Soderholm Custom Builders had been here before. Owners Sam and Ken Soderholm had previously constructed two homes for this young family; they’ve watched the homeowners’ children grow, and their needs and lifestyle subtly shift with the years. So, when the time came to create a new manor house for the active, modern family that trades bunk beds and safety gates for homework spaces, a smoothie zone and fireside cocoa, 以及招待亲密的大家庭和朋友的邀请空间, Soderholm Custom Builders was there, as they had always been.

homework room

之前建筑的共同历史和经验告诉了这个“下一代”住宅的制作, a highly detailed, wholly livable residence that would serve as the new family seat. Once the perfect site was procured, architect Tom Catalano, AIA, principal of Catalano Architects, 是负责设计一个传统的房子,将支持和提高繁忙的, joy-filled years ahead. 

The family has always been passionate about their home, but this time around, they had a confidence, too. 这对夫妻在解决他们的个人空间应该如何看待和工作的问题上有分歧,也有分歧, 在娱乐和家庭空间的合作中,我们是一个统一的战线. 他们非常清楚自己想要的是什么:一个让人感觉良好、功能齐全的环境,让每一天都变得丰富多彩. Soderholm Custom Builders knew exactly how to make it happen, the first step being to assemble the talent behind the build. 

“We had a rapport with the homeowners,” shares Sam, and, perhaps above all, trust. “我们很快就被引入,指导他们引入团队的其他成员,” which, in addition to Catalano Architects, included landscape architect Sudbury Design Group; landscape contractor The Schumacher Companies; interior design firm Bierly-Drake and Steele, Inc.; Peter Murray of Fine FinishHerrick & White Architectural WoodworkersWayne Towle Master Finishing and Restoration; Kochman Reidt + Haigh Cabinetmakers; and O’Hara & Company, as well as a long list of other top-tier professionals and subcontractors.

建筑师Tom Catalano说:“房主有一个非常具体的项目,这为我们的设计提供了信息。. “他们正在寻求强烈的对称和平衡的形式,以使阳光充足, 舒适的空间欢迎他们的日常生活,并提供额外的功能.” The first floor consists of formal and casual living areas, as well as individual work spaces for the family. 两层的大入口逐渐过渡到更休闲的日常生活空间, featuring hand molded brick for a sophisticated yet relaxed industrial feel.”


Millwork is essential in this home.  Early on, it was decided to have square elements within the woodwork, crafted by Peter Murray of Fine Finish, painted “a very bright, shiny white to play it up,” says interior designer Chris Drake. The door is by Herrick & White Architectural Woodworkers.

每个细节都很重要,毫无疑问,业主的周到投入提升了房屋. They relayed,“ this is how our family lives and this is how we want to live in this space,” says Interior designer Chris Drake, principal of Bierly-Drake and Steele. They knew the kids’ homework stations should be near the kitchen, that each child’s mudroom locker should have a charging station, and that a trough-style sink might curtail toothpaste trails. 在早高峰期间需要多少水压等话题也是谈话的一部分. Sam, with his wealth of project experience, thrives on hammering out this kind of minutiae, locating efficiencies, and staying two steps ahead, while never losing sight of the big picture. “I work on one project at a time,” says Sam, from inside the spotless mechanical room, answering the question How do you do it? before it’s asked. “I enjoy this,” he smiles. 

Great Room

The “less-grand spaces” received the most attention. The great room, for example, is a highly complex space with exposed brick columns and an upscale, 工厂与温室相遇的感觉,既是美学上的杰作,也是工程学上的壮举. It is also a testament to the work of Peter Murray; there is steel beneath the “linened” walls (a signature Bierly-Drake textural application) to support the decorative steel trusses and the skylight that pierces the ceiling to bathe the space in light. To create the space, Murray crafted guides out of MDF plywood, explains Sam, “凯利焊接公司的约翰·凯利为我们制造了钢材,让我们根据这些模板建造房间.” 

Paul Reidt, principal of Kochman Reidt + Haigh Cabinetmakers (KR+H), looked to the great room when conceiving the kitchen design, 用“诚实和随意”的语汇,打造一个友好而又不失勤劳的空间,充满个性和视觉质感. Reidt“试图在工业感和住宅所需的精致程度之间找到适当的平衡,” he explains, 他的公司最终选择了一种丰富的风化木材组合,这些木材来自回收的谷仓板(用“超级暗面漆”完成),用于超大的岛屿, concrete countertops, 还有金属制品和玻璃橱柜,它们将闪光和肌肉带进了家的中心.

The lower level, 室内设计团队将其描述为“一个非常时髦,非常有趣的家庭和客人聚会区,具有' rathskeller '的敏感性,” was again designed to be used and enjoyed. Bierly-Drake and Steele incorporated hardy, 柔软的室内外面料,用柔和的棕色家具调和了空间的工业特色, salvaged beams and “expressions of the resident’s strong respect for antiques.” A handsome bar and tap area, crafted by cabinetmakers Herrick & White, 由韦恩·托尔(Wayne Towle)进行了定制处理,呈现出久经考验的最受欢迎的酒吧风格. 

Family room and Lounge

Architectural woodwork by Herrick & White, with a custom finish by Wayne Towle Master Finishing and Restoration. The exposed beams are by New Energy Works.

Entry to home gym
Adaptive Fabrication built the metal windows and doors to the gym.

The first floor level, while more formal in spirit, was also designed with mirth and mingling in mind; in fact, 房子作为一个整体,允许房主同时在不同的楼层招待家人和朋友. And, though the exterior envelope has a gracious, 复杂细致的建筑风格与周围环境保持一致, inside, Catalano寻求一种舒适的设计与有趣的元素,以表达家庭的价值观和缺乏矫饰. While he employed traditional elements, he says, “It’s not an uptight composition.”

Occasionally, 有一些华丽的时刻,突显了房主的欢乐心态和对“一点亮点”的偏好.” Chris Drake and Will Steele were pleased to comply, 并通过引入镜像元素来解决这个问题,这些元素聚焦于建筑和一些奇特的焦点, like the jewel box of a wet bar in the living room. 

Wet bar and living room

由于业主喜欢蓝色,因此色调与灰褐色和清脆的白色交织在一起,营造出干净、时尚的外观. French Refined Limestone, dished and distressed, by Paris Ceramics, graces the hallways, foyer and great room. 巴黎陶瓷公司的老板理查德·阿博特分享说,随着时间的推移,这种石头会变得古铜色和美丽. The wet bar features an onyx stone counter by Cumar, Inc. that is backlit for added drama.

Most rooms open wide to the verdant backyard via a thoughtful procession of doors, illuminated by gas lanterns. Granite porches and terraces serve as “continuous landings off the house,” explains Landscape Architect Scot Indermuehle of Sudbury Design Group, rather than serving as destinations within the grounds that pull the family away. 

porch and outdoor fire pit

门廊上安装了DC Home Systems的自动幻影屏幕、LED照明和集成扬声器. O’Hara & Company built the fireplace at its core. During construction, at one point Peter Murray’s framework “looked like a rib cage,” says Sam, to support all of the trim yet allow for the screen openings. Right: A granite terrace, encircled by a New England fieldstone fireplace, is etched into the site’s topography. Landscape construction by The Schumacher Companies; fireplace and stone walls by O’Hara & Company. Windows and doors by LePage Millwork; roof by Joseph T. Cazeault & Sons. 

dusk shot of suburban boston home

Each vista relates back to the whole yet has its own integrity and virtuosity. In fact, shares Nick O’Hara, owner of O’Hara & Company, it was the “beautiful mixture of sand-molded brick, domestic granite and New England fieldstone,这是建筑师和景观设计师所指定的,吸引了他参与这个项目. O’Hara’s masonry is knitted throughout the interior and exterior of the home, etched within the exposed brick, chimneys, fireplaces and outdoor spaces, and he relished the interplay of mediums.

Front entry of home with Pergola overhang

“前立面的正式形式与建筑北部侧翼附近的藤架相协调,” offers Catalano. The brick detailing, by O’Hara & Company, ties the building to the terrain, and introduces color and texture. Exterior trim by Fine Finish, Inc.

As a foil to the patterning of the hardscapes, the terrain, comprised mainly of ground cover and ornamental trees, takes a less-is-more approach. 萨德伯里设计集团(Sudbury Design Group)总裁迈克尔·库图(Michael Coutu)对团队能够“保持该物业的滚动特征”感到非常兴奋,” creating an overall effect of relaxed grace. To achieve that end, 景观承包商舒马赫公司将湿地的自然区域与种植的草坪和植物缝合在一起. Like an embrace, 景观与建筑紧密相连,让房子像居住者一样明亮.

The Team:
Construction: Soderholm Custom Builders
Architecture: Catalano Architects
Interior Design: Bierly-Drake and Steele, Inc.
Landscape Architecture: Sudbury Design Group
Landscape Construction: The Schumacher Companies
Civil Engineer: Metrowest Engineering
Structural Engineer: Roome and Guarracino
Masonry: O’Hara & Company
Millwork: Fine Finish; Kochman Reidt + Haigh Cabinetmakers; Herrick & White, Ki3
Custom Finishing: Wayne Towle Master Finishing and Restoration
Stone: United Marble Fabricators; Cumar, Inc.
Limestone Flooring: Paris Ceramics
Home Automation: DC Home Systems
Fencing and Pergola: Walpole Outdoors
Photography: Gordon Beall, Randall Garnick,  Warren Patterson