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Family Compound Designed with Nature

back view of custom new england home

一个新的家庭住宅的设计与它的宁静联系在一起, 自然环境,同时提供充足的机会聚集.

当房主买下康科德这块僻静的地皮时, 这块三英亩的土地上没有现存的建筑, 郁郁葱葱的草地和蜿蜒曲折的农田被历史悠久的白橡树所点缀. They sought to preserve the tucked away, 宁静的自然景观,同时为他们的四口之家建造一个永远的家. 当他们计划从州外搬迁时,房主们开始寻找 Hutker Architects to design their new residence.

Front view of suburban home

“They came to us with an aggressive deadline,” recalls Jim Cappuccino, a partner with the firm and the lead architect on the project; associate Erin Levin also contributed to the design. 在一年多一点的时间里,这家人不得不在九月份开学前搬进这所房子,” he says.


The couple hired Brookes + Hill Custom Builders该公司与Hutker团队有着巨大的协同效应. “他们还采访了其他几个建筑商, but when we met with them, we just all hit it off and that was it,” says Brookes + Hill principal Eric Hill.

Family room

卡布奇诺设计了一个庞大的一层住宅,由简单的, 雪松覆盖的山墙形式从物业的田园环境中汲取灵感. 设计阶段的重点是如何将住宅与周围环境联系起来. “白天,当你走近房子时,你会注意到它是如何与景观相呼应的,” says Cappuccino. “At night when it’s all lit up inside, 从房子外面你可以看到一个不同的视角——你可以透过大片的玻璃看到艺术品.”

hallway with art along the walls

展示业主多样的艺术收藏是该项目不可或缺的一个方面. “Over the years, 他们收集了很多艺术品,有空间挂这些艺术品是我们花了很多心思的事情,” says Cappuccino. A hallway that runs along the central living space at the front of the home serves as a gallery that showcases several works; other pieces are hung in various rooms. “大型艺术品需要大面积的墙壁,弄清楚这一点很棘手,因为大量的窗户展示院子的景色并引入阳光也很重要,” says Cappuccino.

住宅由三个独立的体量组成,由玻璃墙连接而成, 在相邻的空间里,哪些过滤掉了大量的阳光. Additionally, 因为主要的起居区域位于房子的中心体量,是一层半高, 屋顶上设置了两个天窗,将光线过滤到大房间内, where walls were created to hang art.


外观简单质朴的形式让位于更现代的内部, 哪里的配色方案遵循艺术作品和不断变化的景观色调. Throughout, 家具散发出低调,材料感觉自然,唤起环境, such as the gallery floor, 哪个是由嵌有微小化石的石化石头构成的. 卡布奇诺说:“它线条干净,现代,带有温暖和有机的品质。.


希尔说,她的妻子在这个地区有家人,事实上,她的妹妹能够在隔壁盖一所房子. “他们的计划是住在一起,创造一种大院.“为了容纳大家庭吃饭, 业主要求室内和室外都有方便的聚会空间. “The husband and wife both love to cook, 所以厨房是这个项目的重要组成部分,” says Cappuccino. Designed by Venegas & Company, 双层石英石顶的岛台提供了充足的准备空间和座位,这样厨师在准备晚餐时就可以有人陪伴.

dining area

But when the family needs downtime, 平面图允许家庭中的每个人都有自己的空间. 孩子们的卧室套房位于住宅中央体量和主卧的左侧, encompasses the wing on the opposite side.


最后,他们完成了严格的时间表:在新学年开始之前,他们全家搬了进来. “我们之所以能够做到这一点,是因为房主能够快速做出决定,而我们有一支优秀的设计团队,” says Jessica Griffith, another principal at Brookes + Hill. “我们每周开会一次,检查可交付成果. 每个人都明白,如果你没有完成你应该做的事情,家人就不会按时回家. 我们都必须非常协作,而且速度快,我们做到了. 这一切走到一起真的很特别.”

Architecture: Hutker Architects
Construction: Brookes + HIll Custom Builders
Interior Design: Hutker Architects
Kitchen Design: Venegas and Company
景观设计:Horiuchi and Solien Landscape Architects
Landscape Construction: Onyx Corporation
Photography: Michael J. Lee

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