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Adirondack style summer house built on Lake Winnipesaukee

Adirondack cabin style home on Lake Winnipesaukee

Battle Architects and Wood & Clay join forces to design and build a love letter

How do you create and construct a 20,000-plus-square-foot home on Lake Winnipesaukee, the entirety of which is crafted with inordinate care? “主题是合作、协调和考虑,”Shannon Robinson-Beland说. She and her husband, Kevin Beland co-own Wood & Clay他是新罕布什尔州湖区的定制住宅建筑商,领导了这项建设. “It was often a project about management,” Beland says, 他指出,这家企业包括来自新英格兰各地的100多名不同的商人和工匠, Upstate New York, and out West.

封面照片:在房子的后面,一个巨大的楼梯将封闭的门廊通往草坪. Pods for the couple’s 20-something children, each with multiple bedrooms, baths, and a communal hangout space are on the second floor. A dormered bunk room tops the garage at the far left. 一楼的主套房与最右边的大房间相距甚远. “平面图上的扭结减轻了房屋的规模,”巴特尔解释说.

Rustic cabin on Lake Winnipesaukee

左图:前楼梯的背景是手工雕琢的木镶板,灵感来自阿迪朗达克小屋. 巨大的红木门上有中世纪的细节,比如金字塔形的铆钉. Right: Beland sourced the 8000-pound, 在当地采石场的大房间里,壁炉用的花岗岩板. “这个华丽的壁炉需要一个坚实的底座,”他说. “This is about 12-feet long and 18-inches high.”

房主是一对康涅狄格州的夫妇,他们的孩子都20多岁 Battle Architects, 在他们之前的度假住宅被烧毁后,设计了这座阿迪朗达克风格的木结构住宅. Rather than rebuild in place, 这对夫妇获得了三个连续的湖边地块,在那里他们可以实现他们的梦想,一个类似度假胜地的大院,可以容纳很多人, extended gatherings of family and friends.

After exploring various iterations, Battle, whose Concord, 这家总部位于马萨诸塞州的公司在美国东北部设计了一系列令人印象深刻的湖屋, the clients concluded they wanted a single structure, not a series of smaller ones. The challenge, therefore, 将建筑与景观结合起来,而不是让它占据主导地位. 巴特尔说:“房子会很结实,但不会太大。.

建筑师通过仔细考虑土地,调和了他所谓的“规模和感觉的宏大愿景”. Step one was determining the sweet spot. “We identify where the best views are, then decide what part of the building goes where,” the architect says. “房子的所有几何形状和能量都来源于场地的几何形状,” Battle explains.

Rustic lakehouse with natural beams on Lake Winnipesaukee

Left: Windows with a view to the lake surround the great room, where the furniture is comfortable and luxurious. 右上方:厨房里有带有彩色玻璃板的樱桃木橱柜和巴西石英岩台面. Leather tiles line the wall in the adjacent sitting area. 右下:地下室有一个像芬威球场一样的保龄球馆. The home theater sits behind the wall with the pins. “隔音地板和天花板会影响空调和照明的安装位置,需要额外的协调,” Robinson-Beland says.

The home, oriented due south on Tips Cove, revels in lake life. 戏剧性的屏蔽门廊和宽敞的大房间设有河石柱和热闹, curved trusses that support jaunty gable roofs. Architecturally, each presents as distinct structures; functionally, each serves as its own magical room. 这些通高的起居空间将传统的家庭中心——厨房和餐厅空间——置于两者之间, set back just enough to embrace a central, circular patio. “建筑包裹创造了一个奇妙的外部空间,”巴特尔说. “It’s the perfect way to organize a summer house.”

道格拉斯冷杉框架设置了木材的基调,但有一种精致的感觉. “客户想要一个自然的外观,而不是粗糙的,”Beland说. 因此,该团队使用了射频,窑干木材作为柱子和横梁. “这是一个更复杂的干燥过程,有助于最大限度地减少木材中支票的自然发生,” Robinson-Beland explains. The curved timbers are grain matched glulams. “它们是用同一块木头制成的,所以纹理是一致的,”Beland说. “You can’t tell they’re made from laminated layers.”

Rustic refined lakehouse on Lake Winnipesaukee

Wood & Clay built the boat house first. “这个过程对与客户建立良好的工作关系非常有帮助,” Beland says.

The architecture and design team—Battle’s wife, Janice Battle of Beyond the Garden, 在室内设计方面,建筑师选择了混合的木材品种,与道格拉斯冷杉框架形成了强烈的对比. 罗宾逊-贝兰德列举了主要品种:“一楼的特色是樱桃, mahogany, and red birch, and the second floor highlights a lot of butternut, as well as oak, and hickory.”

The team of millworkers was vast. In addition to Wood & Clay’s in-house team, 该项目要求Beland从他通常在新罕布什尔州和马萨诸塞州工作的地方引进工人. “我们有州外的工人在这里呆了几个星期甚至几个月,”罗宾逊-贝兰德说.

Adirondack style house on Lake Winnipesaukee


And then there were the artisans. There’s the wood carver in Lake Placid who made the cherry mantelpiece carved with native black bears; the blacksmith in Colorado who forged the wrought-iron fire screen replete with evergreens; the glass artist in upstate New York who turned out stained-glass sketches; the list goes on.     

室内的每一个方面都是对工艺的快乐庆祝. 巴特尔回忆道:“老板们的口头禅是‘热爱每一寸土地’. “I think we succeeded.”

Architecture: Battle Architects   
Writer: Marni Elyse Katz
Builder: Wood & Clay, Inc.
Photography:  Greg Premru

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